Location: Northwestern Minnesota Rimfire
Address: 49899 Co. Hwy. 54, New York Mills, Minnesota 56567
Check-In @ On-Site
08:30am - Check-In/Sight In
09:15am - Stage/Safety Brief
09:45am - Match Start
February 2024 NRL22 COF and Precision Rimfire Outlaws Series
$20 per shooter for NRL22 only or $25 for both
Young Guns shoot NRL22 free with $5 add on for P.R.O.
NRL22 and P.R.O. scores will be submitted.
Remember to register with NRL22 or renew your NRL22 membership for the 2024 season at https://nrl22.org/product/2024-nrl22-membership/ to join the series! Membership is not required to shoot the match.
Register for Precision Rimfire Outlaws at https://www.precisionrimfireoutlaws.com/member-areas. The membership is FREE! You MUST be a registered member of the P.RO. Seires to have your PRO points count - https://www.precisionrimfireoutlaws.com/schedule
Please be prepared for the weather and conditions.
Course of fire available on the NRL22 website at https://nrl22.org/downloads/
There will be a total of 7 stages, 5 NRL22 and two bonus to complete the Precision Rimfire Outlaws series match.
Adam & Suzie Lundsten: northwestmn.22lr@gmail.com